Wednesday, September 23, 2009

the meaning of SACRIFICE....

A few years ago, I began to feel like I should stop doing hair. This was difficult for to me accept because I enjoyed it, the people, the creativity, and oh yeah-- my own spending money. Finally a few months ago the feeling became too persistent and I began to say no to clients. I have definitely seen the blessings already in my family. But as JT and I sat down to budget last month a hard reality struck home: I would need to give up some of my luxuries. I know you are looking at my house, my cars, my stuff and thinking "hate to break it to ya, Katie, but WHAT luxuries are you giving up?" Look Closer, guys. Look into my eyes... well, around my eyes. Look at these dark, soft eyelashes.

Yes, that is right, I am SACRIFICING the unbelievable: LANCOME.

About 7 years ago, while still on my mission, I began to run low on my supply of MAC makeup from my sweet sister Beth who did her best to keep me stocked with my beloved makeup. My companion, Soeur Howell, and I stumbled upon a new little French shop near the main Grocery store in Mada where she introduced me to her long time friend "LANCOME MASCARA". I had loved Lancome before. I even remember the glorious feeling of stepping into the Charles De Galle Airport in Paris and seeing the Lancome store and wishing that the flight would be delayed long enough for me to visit the Birthplace of a dear acquaintance. I had loved Lancome for her perfumes, and also the Dual Finish Powder, but had never known LOVE like this. It wasn't long before I was hooked, using my credit card from home to purchase this extravagance on my mission. And since then- I have never strayed.

...OK... I admit, there was the ONE time I was broke- looking for a job, I had no money, I was DESPERATE! I HAD to go to the drugstore. I HAD to buy that little blue tube. But days later I hung my head in shame as I returned to the forgiving arms of Lancome, and those snobby Nordstrom-Makeup-Counter-Girls with my chunky smudgy black lashes and begged for them to take me back!

When JT asked me to marry him, I thought it appropriate to warn him of this OTHER relationship. It had been 2 years with Lancome, the longest relationship of my life. He understood and agreed that HE would NEVER ASK me to end the affair and further more, do all that he could to support it.
So, he has never asked. I just felt it, deep in the pit of my stomach, that forcing my children and unborn baby to live off of Top Ramen for a week to afford this affair was somehow not right.

So with that, to Lancome's "Definicils", "Flextincels", and my most beloved "Hypnose", the Snobby-Makeup-Counter-Girls, the 7 years of love and unfailing commitment, the days of stalking Macy's and Nordstrom waiting for those 3 beautiful words "Gift With Purchase", the tiny trial size tubes that have faithfully stood by in my purse for a moment of desperation when I needed to reapply, and to all of the cute tote bags I bid "au revoir".

Wow, what a mother is willing to do for her family.

Can anyone recommend a REALLY GOOD MASCARA???????


  1. I like Lash Blast by cover Girl but I'm not sure how it will compare to Lancome.

  2. Okay, I am weird and can't use the expensive stuff because it doesn't work on my eyelashes. I guess it isn't such a bad thing because it is only around 6.99 a tube, But, my favorite is Cover Girl Lash Blast. In the orange big fat tube. I get waterproof, but that is because my lashes "fall" with the regular kind. Try it out. Let me know how you like or don't like it. Good luck on your adventure to finding something that will work but will never compare to your first love. :)

  3. This is weird, but I just checked mine and it is Lash Blast. This is my first post-Lancome tube also. It was great the first week then not as great as lancome, but I have been using it for two months and think it is just fine now. I saw it in a three pack at Costco and decided to give it a try (trusting costco brands) Good luck Katie! I don't get waterproof.

  4. Is it that expensive? I just use MaryKay. O-well. I also don't were makeup very much. Its too much work. Good luck.

  5. You crack me up! I feel like an expert at drugstore mascaras. I have NOT tried Lash Blast so I'll have to give it a whirl. However, I used Maybeline Full and Soft for a long time, maybe even years. I really do like the Kirkland Signature stuff from Costco. It comes in a two pack and feels as good as Clinique but half the price. Right now I'm using Volume Express. Not my favorite since its dried up after two weeks. You gotta screw the caps on TIGHT because the cheap stuff dries out fast!

  6. Mine is lash blast also, I bought another kind but got this again before the other even ran out... I got the 3 pack from costco also. Your the only one who will ever notice... :) And JT's so tired when he comes home I'm sure it's not your eyelashes he's worried about :)

  7. Katie, a little inside info. from a former cosmetic counter girl :) Loreal and Lancome are owned by the same company. So I would look at Loreal products for a similiar substitute.
    I relate to your story all too well. Working for one of those makeup companies for 4 yrs. pretty much brainwashes you. Good luck, stay strong :) Maybe I can follow in your footsteps!!

  8. i was a faithful clinique goer myself...well still am but i'm just not impressed with their mascara. i too have the big orange tube lash blast i found mine at costco 3 pack for less than 15 i think

  9. Oh Katie, how do I love thee?! I so relate to this post! I'm a Lancome girl too. I gave up mascara, but I won't budge even an inch on foundation, lol. I've tried that lash blast and I didn't like it, so who knows. But I find Lindsey's comment interesting because I've had good luck with Loreal mascara and now that's all I buy. I think it's called voluminous or something.

  10. Here's another vote for Lash Blast, and I think I've tried every other non-department store brand there is. :) Good luck with de-snobbing as my husband jokingly calls it, I feel your pain. :)

  11. After reading through these comments, I'm pretty sure I'll be giving Lash Blast a try! I wish I had something to recommend, but I have never been devoted to a certain brand/type of makeup. In fact, I just ran into my bathroom to see what kind I am wearing right now. Sad, isn't it? (oh and it's Lash Blast Luxe, how ironic is that?)
