Friday, February 26, 2010


Miss Macie Josiane Tyler

Date: Feb 26
Time: 12:53 am
Weight: 7lbs 6oz
Length: 18.75 in
Description: PERFECT

Stay tuned for more details.....

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Help Get JT into PA School... sorta

Ok, I am not soliciting for more letters of recommendation about how wonderful JT is and why they should let him in to PA school, or for Prayers telling Heavenly Father how wonderful he is and why He should get him in to PA school...

We have another idea.

JT's brother suggested being proactive, letting the school know he is serious about getting in and that he will benefit the school. One idea was to start doing more volunteer work in the community. So here is YOUR chance to HELP JT AND the children in our community!

Page Ahead
is a WONDERFUL, Local Organization whose goal is to get Books into the hands of our local children. (please follow the link above to their website)

Literacy can make the difference between the poverty of one generation and the promise of the next. Page Ahead helps children realize their potential by providing them with the inspiration to read.

A child who lacks early exposure to reading often suffers from low self-esteem, struggles academically, and is at higher risk for substance abuse, teen pregnancy, and delinquency. Succeeding begins with reading.

The idea is almost foreign to me to consider that children are growing up in homes without books! My house feels like it is almost overflowing with them! And nothing brings a smile to my face quicker than walking in on Blake sitting on the ground with his legs crossed surrounded by books. The scary thing is knowing what illiteracy does to a child and to the next generation's future. I remember thinking about this in relation to spreading the Gospel on my mission. How can I expect someone to accept the Gospel and receive ALL of the many blessings I have from the Gospel if they can't READ the Book of Mormon? I can't imagine my life without books.

SO what can you do?? Donate a BOOK

New Books Only, Please

Why a new book? Because Page Ahead serves children who receive free lunches, live in subsidized housing, receive English language tutoring, or read below grade level, a new book is a gift chosen, kept, and treasured. A new book tells a child, "You are valuable." A new book feels good in the hands. A new book is a prized possession. Children are more likely to learn about responsibility if they find value in their possessions. A new book encourages reading and heightens a sense of anticipation about receiving another book.

I believe they WILL accept VERY GENTLY used books as well, but I can see the benefit of something NEW to a child who may not receive many NEW things at this time.

Here is their Wish List- or any book you know your kids would love.

I know that there are a hundred "Good Causes" for us to donate to, but we are excited that this is a reputable local organization so our own children will be benefited by their friends and peers receiving these books.

If you would LIKE to donate-

JT has set up donation spots around the community OR you are free to drop any donation by our house.

The Book Drive will only last though March 10th, and then Page Ahead will be donating our books to children in need.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sometimes I wonder...

SOMETIMES I wonder if I am on the right track?

These past few months I have been on my knees more often asking that question. I have noticed that at times like this it is easy to LOOK BACK at a time that I know I was "on track" and wonder what happened.


"On the mission I felt the SPIRIT more often"
I personally think this is a myth-- but I still sometimes think it!!

"When we had more money it was EASIER to BUDGET"
No, Katie, it just wasn't as noticeable as when I mess up now!

"In my LAST WARD..."
I will let you ALL fill that one in on your own!

I have been feeling that last one lately. I have been thinking of how LOVED I felt by my Young Women in my last ward, and wondering if that is the same here... (I should mention that I worked with an amazing group of "girls" when they were 8 years old in Primary, 12 year old Beehives and then 17 year old Graduating Seniors!! What a blessing to watch them grow up!! And then start all over with all of their Younger Sisters!!) I just kept wondering if I am making a difference in this ward. And if the GIRLS can FEEL how much I REALLY DO LOVE THEM!? But it is a hard question to answer until you LEAVE the calling and LOOK BACK and say


Well, Luckily for me, I didn't have to get released to answer this question...

Our WONDERFUL YOUNG WOMEN threw me a SURPRISE BABY SHOWER!! And they REALLY Surprised me!! The girls were SO sweet and SO excited! They wrote me very thoughtful cards and gave little "Baby Girl" adorable little gifts.

I am SOOOOOO grateful that this Little Baby Girl will be born into a ward surrounded by sweet examples and amazing Young Women who already love her!! So as if it is hasn't been enough to have HEAVENLY FATHER reassuring me that I AM ON TRACK- This shower really helped me to know that I AM where I belong with the GIRLS that I belong with!!


Monday, February 15, 2010

Last Chance for Hair


This Saturday will be the LAST DAY I am doing hair before the Baby comes. (sorry for those of you that were expecting the first Sat of the month-- it didn't work out with our schedule this month)
I still have a few openings EARLY in the morning- and in the afternoon.

Let me know if you are in need.

I expect to take the month of March off and start up again the beginning of APRIL. (but not the first weekend since that is General Conference)

Thanks :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Riley the Ballerina

I am realizing the need to catch up on my first two kids before my third comes!

SO... this past September we decided to try out Ballet with Riley. We were excited to get the tutu and shoes and and try to get the little bob back in a bun. The only thing I hadn't thought about was taking a class clown to BALLET!!

First Day of Ballet

Although these faces look serious- Riley was nothing but.

She really had a ton of fun. As I sat outside the classroom and listened to her goofing off, I couldn't help but laugh. When I was little I wanted sooooo badly to be a ballerina. I thought it was so beautiful and graceful--- it took a long time to realize that elegant and graceful and peaceful are NOT ME! Ballet is an art of discipline and grace and form... also NOT ME! I can't say what Riley will be like as she grows up... but listening to her being goofy and the teacher trying to get her to concentrate reminded me so much of myself that I had to love her even more!!

We finished off The First Day of Ballet as a Girl's Day with Ice Cream at McDonalds. Doesn't get much better than that!!

FAST FORWARD to the recital in December!!

I woke up so anxious trying to get us all ready and out the door to be ON TIME. (what crazy Nelson gene makes me feel like being late when someone is expecting me is the WORST offense possible?!) JT worked the night before and was asleep so he couldn't help me out. The end result was this:

A little Ballerina with mascara on her face from a HUGE tantrum at the Recital!! And me feeling like a Beauty Pageant Stage Mom forcing their child to perform to live their own dreams!! aaaaggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

But with the help of some animal crackers and her daddy- she was soon happy to be dancing and getting ready for her performance!

Of Course-- I was too busy with the Video Camera to even think about taking pictures of the recital itself. And unfortunately my video skills were so bad that I didn't catch the part where Riley realizes that there is an AUDIENCE watching her and that doing an arabesque would be a perfect opportunity to show off a SILLY FACE with fingers in mouth and tongue out for all to enjoy!!! Grace? Elegance? Discipline? Julliard, Here we come!!

Here is the bow at the end, a little bored and distracted by the final curtain call.

My mom scored extra points by bringing flowers for the little performer. (Which is something I always dreamed of when I was little... but I pictured the entire audience throwing the bouquets to me while I curtsied on stage, blowing kisses!)

And of course, Flowers from Daddy are the Best.

So after the excitement, the drama, the tears... it was a wonderful experience and she still loved me!

I am so happy to be her mom, and I hope the creepy Stage Mom never comes out in me again!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

need help with BLOG

Hey Ladies- I am obviously Blogging Clueless... But I have noticed a lot of you going Private- and requesting to be removed from people's sidebars so that other Mean Mommies and people who don't need to be looking at our stuff will not be able to. This sounds great to me :) Unfortunately I am Cluelss (Ok, Mean Mommie out there- if you are reading this and you like to make fun of people's parenting habits AND their Blogging techniques: here is your chance to make fun of me too!)

Anyways- if I remove you all from my sidebar (or whatever it is called that list all of your blogs) is there a way to hide it so I can still go to it? Basically, I only check Your blogs when I go to mine and see that you have posted something new, and I am worried that if I don't see it on the side of mine I will never go back to yours and soon forget how adorable your kids are, how funny your lives are, and how cool I really am in comparison! (ha! we all know this is a joke and that reading your blogs only makes me feel uncooler!) Is what I am asking clear? How do I keep all the links to your Blogs private and still have a way to notice them??

Help me all of you Cooler Than Me Bloggers!! :)