Monday, December 5, 2011

the Nativity...according to Riley

It is beginning to look a Little Bit like Christmas around here.

Our $20 Noble is proudly standing - naked - without lights or ornaments. And the Kids' Nativities are displayed in our home. (the rest of the decorations are yet to come)

Riley called me in to show me how she had arranged one of the miniature Nativities. If you look closely you will see a Shepherd with his sheep. A Mary and Joseph. And then the Three Wisemen standing by Baby Jesus.

Riley: Mom, come see my Activity (she means Nativity)

Me: Cute, Riley, but why are Mary and Joseph so far away from Baby Jesus?

Riley: Oh, Mary and Joseph are on a date. But don't worry, the Wise Men are there.

Mary was so lucky to have babysitters led by a Star so that she could go out with her man!

P.S. I am taking a bow for getting a picture on my blog. thank you, thank you.

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