Thursday, March 31, 2011

Question for Moms

Hey Fellow Moms--- I remember last Spring hearing the talk that it was time to sign up for SOCCER for the FALL and I didn't pay attention, because I wanted to be at PA school in the fall... Well, here we are AGAIN (all these things that I thought I would not have to do because I would be on the beach in Puerto Rico... guess life changes) ANYWAYS- I assume that is coming up soon. Any advice on where is a good place to sign Riley (and possibly Blake) up for Soccer? Any good experiences? Bad experiences? Suggestions? I want her to play Pro, or at least get a college scholarship- so it is REALLY IMPORTANT that she get ON THE RIGHT TRACK NOW. ok, just kidding, I just want to sign her up with her friends if any are doing it, or at least with a good program if there is one. Thanks


  1. I have no idea which place everyone else puts their kids in. So I will now be blog-stalking this post. :)

  2. I thought soccer season is now...I don't know about fall soccer. I am not yet willing to stand in the rain (and chase Ryan around in the mud) once during the week for practice and on Saturday for the games. Makes me feel like a bad mom saying that! Maybe next year...

  3. hey katie we've done Covington spring soccer the past 2 years. Last year I had Kyle and Sadie play...different times and wanted to die. too many practices/games. this year sadie and zach are on the same team and they love it. We might do fall soccer too I've heard it's definitely much nicer weather in the fall. spring is so rainy/muddy. I'll let you know when i start hearing about fall soccer

  4. Yea, fall soccer sounds way better! Let me know, too Wendy! :)
